Getting Started with DeGirumJS

Welcome to the DeGirum JavaScript AI Inference SDK! This guide will help you get started with integrating AI inference capabilities into your web application. Follow the steps below to set up your environment, connect to the AI server, and run inference on an image.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setup
  3. Basic Usage
  4. Simple Example
  5. In-Depth Example
  6. Model Options


The JavaScript AI Inference SDK allows you to connect to AI Server or Cloud Zoo instances, load AI models, and perform inference on various data types. This guide provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the SDK effectively.


Import the SDK

To start using the SDK, include the following script tag in your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>

Basic Usage

Connect to an AI Server

Instantiate the dg_sdk class and connect to the AI server using the connect method:

let dg = new dg_sdk();
const AISERVER_IP = 'ws://localhost:8779';

let zoo = dg.connect(AISERVER_IP);

For running AI Server inference on cloud models, include the URL of the cloud zoo and your token:

let dg = new dg_sdk();
const AISERVER_IP = 'ws://localhost:8779';
const ZOO_URL = '';
const secretToken = prompt('Enter secret token:');

let zoo = dg.connect(AISERVER_IP, ZOO_URL, secretToken);

Connect to the Cloud

For running Cloud inference, specify 'cloud' as the first argument, and include the URL of the cloud zoo and your token:

let dg = new dg_sdk();
const ZOO_URL = '';
const secretToken = prompt('Enter secret token:');

let zoo = dg.connect('cloud', ZOO_URL, secretToken);

Load a Model

Now, you can load a model using the zoo class instance's loadModel method:

const MODEL_NAME = 'yolo_v5s_face_det--512x512_quant_n2x_cpu_1';
const modelOptions = {
    inputPadMethod: 'stretch'

let model = await zoo.loadModel(MODEL_NAME, modelOptions);

Perform Inference

Use the predict method to perform inference on an input image:

const image = '';
const result = await model.predict(image);
console.log('Result:', result);

Displaying Results

You can display prediction results to a HTMLCanvasElement:

// Assuming your Canvas Element has the id 'outputCanvas'
let canvas = document.getElementById('outputCanvas');
model.displayResultToCanvas(result, canvas);

Simple Example HTML Page

To get started with a simple example page, we need the following HTML elements on the page:

The script tag to import DeGirumJS
A canvas element to display inference results.
An input element to browse and upload images.

Here is a HTML page that will perform inference on uploaded images and display the results:

<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="outputCanvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
<input type="file" id="imageInput" accept="image/*">
<script type="module">
    // Grab the outputCanvas and imageInput elements by ID:
    const canvas = document.getElementById('outputCanvas');
    const input = document.getElementById('imageInput');
    // Initialize the SDK
    let dg = new dg_sdk();
    // Query the user for the cloud token:
    const secretToken = prompt('Enter secret token:');
    // Inference settings
    const MODEL_NAME = 'yolo_v5s_face_det--512x512_quant_n2x_cpu_1';
    const ZOO_URL = '';
    const AISERVER_IP = 'ws://localhost:8779';
    // Connect to the cloud zoo
    let zoo = dg.connect(AISERVER_IP, ZOO_URL, secretToken);
    // Model options
    const modelOptions = {
        overlayShowProbabilities: true
    // Load the model with the options
    let model = await zoo.loadModel(MODEL_NAME, modelOptions);
    // Function to run inference on uploaded files
    input.onchange = async function () {
        let file = input.files[0];
        // Predict
        let result = await model.predict(file);
        console.log('Result from file:', result);
        // Display result to canvas
        model.displayResultToCanvas(result, canvas);

Model Options

When loading a model, you can specify various options to customize its behavior:

To destroy / clean up a model instance, use the cleanup method:

await model.cleanup();

This will stop all running inferences and clean up resources used by the model instance.