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This class is responsible for managing and loading models from a cloud-based AI model zoo, for inference in the cloud. It handles model discovery, fetching model information, and loading models for use. Use loadModel() to instantiate and configure a model for use. Various utility functions are available to interact with the cloud zoo.

Kind: global class

new CloudServerCloudZoo([zooUrl], accessToken, [dummy])

Do not call this constructor, instead use the connect function of the dg_sdk class to create a CloudServerCloudZoo instance.

Param Type Default Description
[zooUrl] string "DEFAULT_CLOUD_URL" Expected format: "https://[/]"
accessToken string The access token for the cloud zoo.
[dummy] boolean false Dummy zoo instance - only for system info call

Example (Usage:)

let zoo = await dg.connect('cloud', '', secretToken);
let model = await zoo.loadModel('someModel', { max_q_len: 5, callback: someFunction });

cloudServerCloudZoo.getModelLabels(modelName) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Fetches the labels for a specific model from the cloud zoo. queries

Kind: instance method of CloudServerCloudZoo
Returns: Promise.<Object> - The model's label dictionary.

Param Type Description
modelName string The name of the model.

cloudServerCloudZoo.downloadModel(modelName) ⇒ Promise.<Blob>

Downloads a model from the cloud zoo. fetches from

Kind: instance method of CloudServerCloudZoo
Returns: Promise.<Blob> - The downloaded model as a Blob.

Param Type Description
modelName string The name of the model to download.

cloudServerCloudZoo.listModels() ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Lists all available models in the cloud zoo.

Kind: instance method of CloudServerCloudZoo
Returns: Promise.<Object> - An object containing the available models and their params.

let models = await zoo.listModels();
let modelNames = Object.keys(models);

cloudServerCloudZoo.getZoos(organization) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Fetches the list of zoos for a given organization.

Kind: instance method of CloudServerCloudZoo
Returns: Promise.<Object> - The list of zoos.

Param Type Description
organization string The name of the organization.

cloudServerCloudZoo.loadModel(modelName, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<CloudServerModel>

Loads a model from the cloud zoo and prepares it for inference.

Kind: instance method of CloudServerCloudZoo
Returns: Promise.<CloudServerModel> - The loaded model instance.

Param Type Default Description
modelName string The name of the model to load.
[options] Object {} Additional options for loading the model.
[options.max_q_len] number 10 The maximum length of the internal inference queue.
[options.callback] function A callback function to handle inference results.


let model = await zoo.loadModel('someModel', { inputCropPercentage: 0.5, callback: someFunction } ); 

cloudServerCloudZoo.systemInfo() ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Fetches system information from the cloud server.

Kind: instance method of CloudServerCloudZoo
Returns: Promise.<Object> - The system information.