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A comprehensive class for handling AI model inference using an AIServer over WebSocket. Designed to provide a streamlined interface for sending data to the server for inference, receiving processed results, and displaying or further processing these results as needed.

- WebSocket Communication: Handles the full lifecycle of a WebSocket connection for real-time data streaming.
- Preprocessing & Postprocessing: Integrates with PreProcess and PostProcess classes to prepare data for the model and visualize results.
- Queue Management: Uses AsyncQueue instances to manage inbound and outbound data flow.
- Concurrency Control: Ensures thread-safe operations through mutex usage.
- Dynamic Configuration: Allows runtime modification of model and overlay parameters.
- Callback Integration: Supports custom callback functions for handling results outside the class.

Kind: global class

new AIServerModel(options, measureTime, [additionalParams])

Do not call the constructor directly. Use the loadModel method of an AIServerZoo instance to create an AIServerModel.

Param Type Default Description
options Object Options for initializing the model.
options.modelName string The name of the model to load.
options.serverUrl string The URL of the server.
options.modelParams Object The default model parameters.
[options.max_q_len] number 10 Maximum queue length.
[options.callback] function Callback function for handling results.
[options.labels] Object Label dictionary for the model.
options.systemDeviceTypes Array.<string> Array of 'RUNTIME/DEVICE' strings supported by the AIServer.
measureTime boolean false Whether to measure inference and collect other statistics.
[additionalParams] Object Additional parameters for the model.

Example (Usage:)

- Create an instance with the required model details and server URL.
let model = zoo.loadModel('some_model_name', {} );
- Use the `predict` method for inference with individual data items or `predict_batch` for multiple items.
let result = await model.predict(someImage);
for await (let result of model.predict_batch(someDataGeneratorFn)) { ... }
- Access processed results directly or set up a callback function for custom result handling.
- You can display results to a canvas to view drawn overlays.
await model.displayResultToCanvas(result, canvas);

aiServerModel.predict(imageFile, [info], [bypassPreprocessing]) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Predicts the result for a given image.

Kind: instance method of AIServerModel
Returns: Promise.<Object> - The prediction result.

Param Type Default Description
imageFile Blob | File | string | HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ArrayBuffer | TypedArray | ImageBitmap
[info] string "" Unique frame information provided by user (such as frame num). Used for matching results back to input images within callback.
[bypassPreprocessing] boolean false Whether to bypass preprocessing. Used to send Blob data directly to the socket without any preprocessing.


If callback is provided:
The WebSocket onmessage will invoke the callback directly when the result arrives.
If callback is not provided:
The function waits for the resultQ to get a result, then returns it.
let result = await model.predict(someImage);

aiServerModel.predict_batch(data_source, [bypassPreprocessing])

Predicts results for a batch of data. Will yield results if a callback is not provided.

Kind: instance method of AIServerModel

Param Type Default Description
data_source AsyncIterable | ReadableStream Either an async iterable or a ReadableStream.
[bypassPreprocessing] boolean false Whether to bypass preprocessing.


The function asynchronously processes results. If a callback is not provided, it will yield results.
for await (let result of model.predict_batch(data_source)) { console.log(result); }

aiServerModel.modelInfo() ⇒ Object

Returns a read-only copy of the model parameters.

Kind: instance method of AIServerModel
Returns: Object - The model parameters.

aiServerModel.labelDictionary() ⇒ Object

Returns the label dictionary for this AIServerModel instance.

Kind: instance method of AIServerModel
Returns: Object - The label dictionary.

aiServerModel.displayResultToCanvas(combinedResult, outputCanvasName, [justResults])

Overlay the result onto the image frame and display it on the canvas.

Kind: instance method of AIServerModel

Param Type Default Description
combinedResult Object The result object combined with the original image frame. This is directly received from predict or predict_batch
outputCanvasName string | HTMLCanvasElement The canvas to draw the image onto. Either the canvas element or the ID of the canvas element.
[justResults] boolean false Whether to show only the result overlay without the image frame.

aiServerModel.processImageFile(combinedResult) ⇒ Promise.<Blob>

Processes the original image and draws the results on it, return png image with overlayed results.

Kind: instance method of AIServerModel
Returns: Promise.<Blob> - The processed image file as a Blob of a PNG image.

Param Type Description
combinedResult Object The result object combined with the original image frame.


Cleans up resources and closes the WebSocket connection. Does so by following a destructor-like pattern which is manually called by the user. Makes sure to close the WebSocket connection, stop all inferences, remove the listeners, clear async queues, and nullify all references.
Call this whenever switching models or when the model instance is no longer needed.

Kind: instance method of AIServerModel


Resets the stats dict to an empty dict

Kind: instance method of AIServerModel


Returns the stats dict to the user

Kind: instance method of AIServerModel