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DeGirum's public model zoo consists of a variety of ML models gathered from various sources.

Image Classification Models:

Model Name Input Size Precision Pruned Supported Devices Version
efficientnet_es_imagenet 224x224 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
efficientnet_em_imagenet 240x240 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobilenet_v1_imagenet 224x224 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobilenet_v2_imagenet 224x224 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobilenet_v2_imagenet 224x224 FP32 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobilenet_v2_generic_object 224x224 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobilenet_v2_mask_yn_cls 224x224 FP32 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobilenet_v2_sign_language 224x224 FP32 NO CPU, ORCA 1
resnet50_imagenet 224x224 INT8 YES CPU, ORCA 1

Object Detection Models:

Model Name Input Size Precision Pruned Supported Devices Version
efficientdet_lite1_coco 384x384 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobiledet_coco 320x320 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobilenet_v2_ssd_coco 300x300 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobilenet_v2_ssd_generic_object 192x192 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5m_coco 512x512 INT8 Yes CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5n_car_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5n_animal_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5n_bird_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5s_coco 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5s_coco 576x576 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5s_dessert_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5n_face_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5s_fruit_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5s_hand_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5n_household_object_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5s_lp_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5n_person_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v5n_pet_det 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1
yolo_v7t_coco 512x512 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1

Segmentation Models:

Model Name Input Size Precision Pruned Supported Devices Version
deeplab_seg 513x513 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1

OCR Models:

Model Name Input Size Precision Pruned Supported Devices Version
yolo_v5s_lp_ocr 256x256 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1

Keypoint Detection Models:

Model Name Input Size Precision Pruned Supported Devices Version
mobilenet_v2_hand_landmarks 224x224 FP32 NO CPU, ORCA 1
mobilenet_v1_posenet_coco_keypoints 353x481 INT8 NO CPU, ORCA 1