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Car Detection


Dataset Name Training Images Validation Images Class Labels License
Open Images Dataset 20,000 1 5,095 0: Car Annotations under CC BY 4.0
Images under CC BY 2.0

1: A subset of car training images are used for training.

Model Zoo

DeGirum's car detection model zoo consists of a variety of models gathered and trained using ultralytics repository.
Here is the link to DeGirum's car detection zoo.

Model Architecture Input Size Precision Runtime Device Type mAP 50-95 mAP 50 FPS
yolov5nu_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 N2X ORCA1 0.6637 0.8458 116.5
yolov5nu_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 TFLITE EDGETPU 0.6640 0.8455 --
yolov5nu_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 OPENVINO CPU 0.6686 0.8476 --
yolov5nu_relu6_car 640x640 FP32 OPENVINO CPU 0.6721 0.8505 --
yolov5nu_silu_car 640x640 INT8 N2X ORCA1 0.6590 0.8394 --
yolov5nu_silu_car 640x640 INT8 TFLITE EDGETPU 0.6584 0.8393 --
yolov5nu_silu_car 640x640 INT8 OPENVINO CPU 0.6695 0.8452 --
yolov5nu_silu_car 640x640 FP32 OPENVINO CPU 0.6745 0.8486 --
yolov8n_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 N2X ORCA1 0.6784 0.8513 107.7
yolov8n_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 TFLITE EDGETPU 0.6789 0.8517 --
yolov8n_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 OPENVINO CPU 0.6833 0.8551 --
yolov8n_relu6_car 640x640 FP32 OPENVINO CPU 0.6853 0.8562 --
yolov8n_silu_car 640x640 INT8 N2X ORCA1 0.6723 0.8484 --
yolov8n_silu_car 640x640 INT8 TFLITE EDGETPU 0.6725 0.8483 --
yolov8n_silu_car 640x640 INT8 OPENVINO CPU 0.6827 0.8547 --
yolov8n_silu_car 640x640 FP32 OPENVINO CPU 0.6886 0.8574 --
yolov5su_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 N2X ORCA1 0.6846 0.8592 43.5
yolov5su_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 TFLITE EDGETPU 0.6844 0.8581 --
yolov5su_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 OPENVINO CPU 0.6948 0.8643 --
yolov5su_relu6_car 640x640 FP32 OPENVINO CPU 0.6967 0.8642 --
yolov5su_silu_car 640x640 INT8 N2X ORCA1 0.6850 0.8578 --
yolov5su_silu_car 640x640 INT8 TFLITE EDGETPU 0.6849 0.8567 --
yolov5su_silu_car 640x640 INT8 OPENVINO CPU 0.6962 0.8645 --
yolov5su_silu_car 640x640 FP32 OPENVINO CPU 0.7000 0.8650 --
yolov8s_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 N2X ORCA1 0.6916 0.8600 38.0
yolov8s_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 TFLITE EDGETPU 0.6919 0.8600 --
yolov8s_relu6_car 640x640 INT8 OPENVINO CPU 0.6966 0.8633 --
yolov8s_relu6_car 640x640 FP32 OPENVINO CPU 0.7025 0.8675 --
yolov8s_silu_car 640x640 INT8 N2X ORCA1 0.6894 0.8603 --
yolov8s_silu_car 640x640 INT8 TFLITE EDGETPU 0.6893 0.8602 --
yolov8s_silu_car 640x640 INT8 OPENVINO CPU 0.7005 0.8678 --
yolov8s_silu_car 640x640 FP32 OPENVINO CPU 0.7041 0.8698 --