This page describes the utilities included in the DeGirum tools package. It covers the installation of the tools, and provides usage details for utilities.
Skip Enable and Update (the following step) if you have already done it
Enable and Update the DeGirum repository
Install prerequisites:
Download DeGirum public key:
Ubuntu 20.04:
Ubuntu 22.04:
Ubuntu 24.04:
Add DeGirum software repository to APT sources configuration file:
Ubuntu 20.04:
Ubuntu 22.04:
Ubuntu 24.04:
Update package information from configured sources:
Installation procedure for ORCA utilities
Download and install DeGirum tools package:
This would install dgopwc, dgoinfo and qflup binaries
dgoinfo - DeGirum ORCA info
dgoinfo is a utility to print out information about device(s) with ORCA. If there is no board selection specification then all board info printed out.
dgoinfo command [options]
-b bus, --bus=bus Device bus address: part of BDF for PCIe device, USB Controller / Hub Path for USB device.
-d dev, --dev=dev Device address on a bus: part of BDF for PCIe device, the USB Connection Device address.
-p port, --port=port Device por on a USB bus: N/A for PCIe device, the USB controller / Hub port address.
-n number, --ndev=number [=0 by default] If previous parameters matched for few devices (e.g. only bus was pointed) or nothing was specified then number specifies the device in OS specific order.
Sample run
dgopwc - DeGirum ORCA power control
dgopwc is a utility to set/get power parameters on ORCA device with PCIe/USB interfaces.
dgopwc command [options]
Common options
-b bus, --bus=bus Device bus address: part of BDF for PCIe device, USB Controller / Hub Path for USB device.
-d dev, --dev=dev Device address on a bus: part of BDF for PCIe device, the USB Connection Device address.
-p port, --port=port Device port on a USB bus: N/A for PCIe device, the USB controller / Hub port address.
-n number, --ndev=number [=0 by default] If previos parameters matched for few devices (e.g. only bus was pointed) or nothing was specified then number specifies the device in OS specific order.
-S, --sua [user by default] Super user access.
Sample run
qflup - QSPI flash updater
qflup is a utility for erasing, reading, checking, updating firmware image on QSPI flash on ORCA device with PCIe/USB interfaces.
qflup command [options]
Available commands:
Common options
-b bus, --bus=bus Device bus address: part of BDF for PCIe device, USB Controller / Hub Path for USB device.
-d dev, --dev=dev Device address on a bus: part of BDF for PCIe device, the USB Connection Device address.
-p port, --port=port Device por on a USB bus: N/A for PCIe device, the USB controller / Hub port address.
-n number, --ndev=number [=0 by default] If previos parameters matched for few devices (e.g. only bus was pointed) or nothing was specified then number specifies the device in OS specific order.
-y, --yesall Confirm 'yes' for questions about any change data operations.
Update command parameter and options:
qflup update fw_image_path [ [-s|--size=size] | [-m|--md5=1] | [-N|--noverif=1] ]
fw_image_path Path to file with new firmware image.
-s size, --size=size [=0 by default] Firmware image size to update. If it is not specified or equal zero then it is a size of firmware image file.
-m, --size [no by default] Enable calculate md5 checksum for written block of Firmware and print it out. If it is not specified the tool out nothing.
-N, --noverif [verify by default] Skip firmware writing verification. If it is not specified the tool verifies written data.
Sample run updating firmware image in the device with bus number 3:
Erase command options:
qflup erase [ [-a|--address=address] | [-s|--size=size] ]
-a address, --size=address [=0 by default] Start address of erased area. The address will be aligned on subsector size to smallest address.
-s size, --size=size [=0 by default] Size of erased area. If size is not specified it is set to flash size (minus address) defined for the device. If address + size crossing subsector boundary then all subsectors will be erased. If address and size are zero (not specified) whole flash will be erased.
Sample run erasing a part of the flash and answer yes on question:
Read command options:
qflup read [ [output_file_path] | [-a|--address=address] | [-s|--size=size] ]
-a address, --size=address [=0 by default] Start address in the flash to read.
-s size, --size=size [=1MB by default] Size of reading area. If size is not specified it is set to 1MB. If size set to 0 it will be updated to flash size. Read data will be written to file specified by output_file_path or it will be printed out to console.
Sample run (reading a part of the flash from device with bus address 3)
Write command parameter and options:
qflup write file_path [[-a|--address=address] | [-s|--size=size] | [-m|--md5=1] | [-N|--noverif=1] ]
fw_image_path Path to the file with the data to write.
-a address, --size=address [=0 by default] Start address in the flash to write the data.
-s size,--size=size [=0 by default] Data size to write. If it is not specified or equal zero then it is a size of the file.
-m,--size [no by default] Enable calculate md5 checksum for the written data and print it out. If it is not specified the tool out nothing.
-N,--noverif [verify by default] Skip a writing data verification. If it is not specified the tool reads back written data and compare with original.
Sample run of writing a file to the device:
Check command options:
qflup check [ [-a|--address=address] | [-s|--size=size] ]
-a address, --size=address [=0 by default] Start address in the flash to read.
-s size, --size=size [=0 by default] Size of checking area. If size is not specified it is set to board defined flash size. If firmware image is found on the flash and the image is valid for this tool the tool will print out the version of found firmware.
Sample run of checking firmware in the flash from device with bus address 4:
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